I was reading in John 4 today. It is the story of the woman at the well. Jesus was on His way to Galilee, when He decided to go out of His way and stop in Sychar of Samaria. Sychar means drunken. It was about noon when he arrived at the well, where he sat down to rest. The disciples had gone on into town to buy some food. But Jesus, He had a divine appointment.
As He waited, a Samaritan woman came to draw water. She came at noon becasue the other women looked down upon her. She was considered to be very loose. He asked her to give Him a drink. What a question to ask of this loose woman in this town known for it's desire for drink.
Her response was what you might expect from this probably lonely, angry, used woman. It was an in your face, who do you think you are, answer.
Jesus, not one to take the bait or to be easily offended, responded with TRUTH. "If you knew, knew Who I Am..."
I don't know how many of you know that my past was that of an alcoholic. Yes, I am a recovered alcoholic. And Jesus went out of His way to rescue me. I have read this story many times, but this is the first time that I realized the name Sychar means drunken. Thus the town had a reputation, that probably everyone was aware of. including Jesus.
Ladies, I don't know what your problem(s) may be. I don't know what drives you to the well in the heat of the day. I don't know what seperates you nad binds you. Is it alcohol? Sexual addiction? Were you molested as a child? Are you promiscuous? Are your children out of control? Has your husband lost his job/ Left you? Are you depressed? Or just don't know which way to turn?
What I do know, is that Jesus has gone out of his way to meet you where you are?
He desires to give you truth.
Like the woman at the well, you need to recognize that you are a sinner. You need to recognize who Jesus is. And you need to repent and call upon the One who can save you. The One who went so far out of His way for you that it cost Him His life. A cost you could not pay your self.
Maybe you know Jesus, but still you find yourself enslaved to some horror. Yes horror, and you thirst for deliverance. Rest assurred He is your answer too. Won't you meet Him at the well.
He thirst for your freedom!
Tune in next week, as we discuss how to be freed.
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